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How to Choose the Right Pick-and-Place Robot for Your Production Line

The manufacturing industry increasingly relies on robots — and with so many advancements in this technology, now is the perfect time to consider upgrading your production line with pick-and-place robots. We at Cybernetik understand the challenges and considerations involved in choosing the right robot viz. size, features, and your application. Ultimately, you want to ensure the equipment will simplify your operations and save you money. Read on as we share tips and insights for selecting a pick-and-place solution for your production line.


Know your application


What tasks do you expect the robot to perform? Which materials will it handle? Answering these questions can help you narrow the options and find the ideal robot type that suits the job. We also recommend assessing your production line’s environment, as this can impact the equipment’s longevity and performance.


Compare the payload


Payload is the total weight a pick and place robot can manage. You’ll want to ensure the equipment’s payload can handle the heaviest object on your production line. This will ensure the robot has the right arms and capacity to lift and deposit it quickly and efficiently. Our carton palletiser can handle a payload of up to 100 kg (220 lbs), making it versatile for pharmaceuticals, food, manufacturing, and chemical applications.


Determine the reach


Pick-and-place robots are mounted in a specific workspace, so make sure they can sufficiently reach the areas for picking and placing the objects. Additionally, any obstructions or obstacles that could limit their movement and reach should be considered.


Ensure consistency and speed.


High-volume production lines need a high-speed pick-and-place robot. However, it helps to have a quick and reliable robot that can keep up with your production requirements. For instance, our pail palletiser has high-speed servo/pneumatic end-of-arm custom grippers. You should also look for robots with high repeatability for optimum consistency.


Explore customisation options


At Cybernetik, we offer a wide range of pick-and-place robots for various industries, including electronics, automobiles, and food. We customise our solutions to suit your exact requirements while providing advanced automation technology for efficient and precise handling. In addition, we offer solutions for stable, hazardous, and inflammable liquids, like our drum palletiser. Its custom pallet matrix formation ensures gentle palletising action.


Need advice?


Share your requirements with our experts at Cybernetik, and we will recommend the best pick-and-place robot for your production line. You may email or call us at +91 20 679 06900.






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