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Showing posts from June, 2024

How Pick and Place Automation Enhances Medical Manufacturing Precision?

M edical devices need to be produced while meeting precise and rigorous quality standards. Pick and place automation can optimize material handling and assembly, among other operations in the medical manufacturing industry.   Benefits of using pick and place robots   These robots can handle up to 300 parts per hour—a speed that far surpasses that of manual labour to boost production efficiency without needing extra lines or shifts. They can free up human workers for more complex and creative roles of the type that also provide job satisfaction.   ·         You can use pick-and-place automation to reduce the risk of human error and comply with strict quality standards. These robots place each component accurately every time, achieving the highest consistency for assembly, sorting, and packaging.   ·         Automation also minimizes human contact within production areas to lower the overall risk of contamination. They can be customized to meet sanitary standards to help